Finish Strong

Ever find yourself at the end of the project and staff have left for other jobs, leaving your organization with no one to closeout the project? Many find grant closeout to be an unknown and confusing process. Our tools are designed to make grant closeout seamless, and we can even do it for you. Your project will end on a positive note while meeting federal agency requirements and building your organization’s reputation for performance and experience.

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The Grants
Clearinghouse Advantage

We’ve successfully closed out projects. By engaging with us prior to the very end of the project, we can ensure budget details are clear and materials needed by federal agencies are submitted. We understand that grant staff may leave early for other employment, so we can temporarily fulfill roles or be the support you need to ensure closeout occurs properly.

Our Approach

Staffing Until the End

We will staff your closeout process if employees leave for other positions.

Support Your Closeout

We provide technical assistance through the closeout process by helping compile and submit final reports and budget expenditures.

Recent Success

Eastern WV Community and Technical College’s America’s Promise (AP220) Project

A TGC Coach served as the Consortium Director for the U.S. Department of Labor AP220 project. Because of our experience and tools we use to track grant expenditures, closeout was a breeze as accurate final accounting was provided, and we guided college leadership through the process. All final reporting was submitted on time and with high quality—making the closeout experience stress-free for college personnel.

Get In Touch

To get in touch with us, please complete our form, and rest assured that we will respond promptly within 1-2 business days. Our business hours are aligned with the eastern time zone, operating from 9am to 4pm.